We did learn something important today though, that is the need to eat enough before going to the gym. Since we added another 15 minutes to our workout, neither one of us thought of all the extra energy we were going to burn off. So at almost the same moment at minute 29 on the elliptical machine we hit the proverbial "wall". We pushed through for the last 6 minutes of the work out, especially since the last 5 minutes was cool down. As soon as we got home though, we had strawberry-banana smoothies to rebuild the lost carbo's.
Speaking of carbo's (protein and fats as well) we are still doing the calorie counting on daily plate and we are becoming much more aware of how much we are eating everyday. We also are learning how many carbo's, protein and fats we are having every day. Today our sugars are higher than it should be but most of the are fruit sugars, not the high fructose corn syrup we used to have. But we are improving, so that is what is important in the end. We had almost 2200 calories total today, but when we looked up our caloric intake for weight loss and factored in our workout today, we are some 750 calories lower than what is necessary to maintain our weight.
We checked out the link that Candace's Aunt Karen's (and Aunt Carol's) sent to us on weight loss transformation for couples. (see comment on yesterdays post for link) Some of the transformations were incredible and very inspirational. I believe that in time, both Candace and I will be able to be on a page like that :).
That's all for now, until later...
I was going to send you the link about transformed couples, but I see you already got it. Here's something I have found very useful the last few years: a concept called Volumetrics. You can find info about it here:
It makes a lot of sense, and it has influenced my eating habits for the better (although not enough!). I first heard about it from the Nutrition Action newsletter. And it's not a fad diet way of eating, as shown by the following facts I copied from a website:
In 2004, the Tufts University Health and Nutrition Letter named The Volumetrics Eating Plan one of the three best diet books on the market. In addition, the American Dietetic Association includes The Volumetrics Eating Plan on its 2007 Good Nutrition Reading List.
Love you guys! Keep up the good work!