Thursday, July 22, 2010

Motivation...Where Art Thou?

A few minutes between color balancing and stitching panoramas together...

I had the last few days off, which was great...minus the fact that I wish I was capable of catching up on all my missed sleep.  But of course this should be when I am getting my gym time in as well.  What am I if not a great procrastinator.  And its all my doing too!

I convinced my motivator (i.e. Kurt) that we didn't need to go to the gym on Tuesday...that we could go on a bike ride now that Kurt has his bike back.  Of course we didn't get up until late on Tuesday and by then it was already starting to get hot.  So we decided to go to the gym Wednesday.

Wednesday comes around and neither of us wants to go in the we decided the evening.  Then evening comes and I just can't find the motivation...and of course I talk Kurt into going for a bike ride instead...only that didn't happen either. 

So I convince him that we will go for a ride this morning...even though the bike seat on my bike (formerly the bike Kurt was riding while waiting for his to be fixed) is awful (its a male seat).  Do you want to guess what happened?

6am rolled around WAY to early this morning...and that didn't happen. So now I am sitting here at work...feeling stupid for not going...but still not at all motivated.  I was hoping to maybe get off work at a decent time tonight in order to go...but once I got here I realized that wasn't going to happen.

I keep thinking the only thing I can do is try again tomorrow...but then when tomorrow comes around, my motivation is lost again.

Everything is lost.  I haven't been eating great (some days I really do try and fail miserably).  And that's the big problem...because even if I am not getting to work out or am not motivated to do so, at least I should be eating supply some bit of healthiness to this whole thing.

So slowly today I am going to try to work my motivation it researching some healthy habit things online or at least trying to get a quick walk in while at work (which will most likely not happen because there's so much to do and I want to get home before midnight.)

Maybe I just need something new to do...I'm hoping riding my bike will kick up the motivation a bit...but I think I need to get some free weight for home so that I can start a little strength work.  I need a pool.  Our community has a pool but it is only open from 10am to 9pm or something like that.  Normally I'm at work at that time...but I guess I could do it right at 10am as long as there were not other people there, because I would actually be there to swim and not to float around. 

I know that I just need to push through this lack of motivation...part of me wishes that I wasn't working so much and that I could be a hyper focused on the exercise and the healthy eating as I was when we started this whole thing...but then again, it is nice to have a job again (regardless of how much I complain about it sometimes.)

Anyway, it's time to get back to doing work.  I'm actually working while doing this but my panoramas are bogging down the computer, so I should close the Internet window.  Cassie, I'm looking forward to your recipes (if you already sent them, I didn't get them.)  We need a little more variety in our lives.

I'm going to try to be better about this...I know Kurt is until next time. :P

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Hello out there,

Hey followers,

I promise you that we haven't fallen off the face of the earth, or worse fallen off our new way of living. Candace is still working crazy crazy hours, however her boss is starting to burn out from all the days in the row without rest and is letting Candace have days off!!! Last week she worked only 4 days, but still put in 48 to 50 hours. This is very good for me, I get to spend time with my lovely wife and she is able to go to the gym 2-3 times a week now.

We are going to start going to the gym really early in the morning (like 5 or so) 3 times a week so that Candace will be able to continue working out more regularly. I will let everyone know how that goes, probably on Wednesday we will be doing the psycho workout hours, but being healthy is important to us, and going to bed a little earlier isn't the end of the world.

I lost some 1.5 pounds last week and Candace lost right about that, I mention this because I felt last week I wasn't eating as well as I should. My breakfast and lunches were healthy and sensible, but dinner is seemingly another story. I have grown tired of salads and Chicken or Turkey Burgers and the like so a couple of crummy food nights. Does anyone have any suggestions to make some yummy healthy recipes? I am fresh out of ideas and don't want to make bad decisions in order to break the monotony (?).

I am happy though, I finally get my bike back tomorrow after 3 weeks of waiting for parts to arrive. So on the days that I don't go to the gym, I am going to bike to school, so I can get ready for school at the end of August. So if any Sparks inhabitants see a yellow road bike with a large Ape on it, please be aware its probably me.

Well that's all that's fit to print....
