Sorry about taking so long for not posting in 4 days, but Candace and I have been crazy busy since Sunday. I know you aren't owed an explanation but I don't want anyone to think that we have given up on the whole healthy living experience.
Saturday we went did our gym routine and ate surprisingly well, especially we burnt an average of 850 calories at the gym. The only thing that could of been construed as "bad" would be the ham sandwich from Subway that we had for lunch. After looking at the dietary information, the worst thing we had was over 1400 mg of sodium. I think that Jared might of lost all that weight, but now he has high blood pressure from all the sodium. The AHA(American Heart Association) recommends that the daily intake of sodium is only 1500 mg of sodium, the ADA (American Dietary Association) recommends that you only have between 2000 and 2200 mg of sodium. Yuck.
Sunday we went down to Monterey to help around Candace's moms house for the week and even though we driving for 5 hours, passing fast food joints left and right we brought our lunch of chicken, lettuce, a low fat honey dijon on pita bread. However, we are finding that its difficult to track the exact amount of calories that we eating because we aren't preparing the food while down here in Monterey. We are just trying to make certain that we don't have seconds and thirds since we aren't 100% certain what is in the food. That is not saying that Candace's parents are trying to sneak fat in our anything like that, its that we don't know the amounts of each ingredient so it makes it difficult to track calories.
We are still being active. We take 2 1/2 mile walks in the morning (at least twice since we got down here) and yesterday I spent 6 hours using the weed waker, raking and hoeing the backyard. Last night we went to the pool for a couple of hours as well and spent 2 hours playing around in the pool. I figure as long as we try to do something every day we are down here, we should still be losing weight while down here. Maybe not 2 1/4 lbs a week, but any amount is better than gaining weight.
Well I have better get going and help around the house some more, so until later....