Today, I am feeling hungry...and I don't know if its just a subconscious thing or if my body was starting to get used to not eating the right portions again. I'm about to make dinner (Whole Wheat Chicken Pizza Pockets) and I find myself not wanting to get up and make them.
Also, that whole counting calorie thing is not for me, but I figure, it's part of the app/site...might as well get an idea of how many calories I am ingesting. I know, in the before time, in the long long ago (I'll laugh if you get that reference) that we were probably eating about 2200 calories a day with no more exercise than our job (which some days is 6 hours on your feet) and we were still losing.
But I have a problem...which is, if I see the calorie count and I go over, then I will feel :( even though I know that what I am eating is as minimally processed as possible. At the same time, I do like to know the breakdown of everything. So...hopefully, I don't get bajiggity about the long as it doesn't go over 2500...that would just be bad.
I hadn't used the site in a long thanks for getting me back onto it. Hopefully the novelty doesn't wear off like it did the last time.
If you have October Unprocessed rants, rant them to me...I know how you are feeling :)