So I'm going to try and keep it short and sweet tonight.
Yesterday was a gym day, but my soon to be sister-in-law, Miranda, is in town trying to get everything set up for their wedding in August, so we postponed the gym so I could help out. For the most part, we ate well yesterday...we did go to lunch at the Atlantis with Miranda, my stepma, Merirae, and my nephew Corey, but we were good and had a half sandwich and side salad.
We didn't postpone the gym for long....just to today. We went this morning, and did the same as Wednesday - 20 minutes on both the treadmill and bike and 35 on the elliptical trainer. I'm thinking about removing the bike from my routine though, because I am SO bored on the bike...just doing treadmill and elliptical instead. Kurt's ankle was hurting him a bit on the treadmill this morning, so he might stop and do just bike (even though its boring to him too) or maybe the stair climber, even though it didn't go so well last time.
We were a little bad earlier in the day...didn't do much more on Wii Fit then just the weigh in and stability exercises (I was feeling kinda weak today), and we had grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch because it was SO cold today. Then we went over to my Dad and Stepma's house and had some really good that wasn't so good either...but who can pass up lasagna?!!?
To get back on track, we are going to the gym again tomorrow (it's very funny because I find myself wondering why I don't go everyday and thinking, when in the world would I ever have believed I would say that). We are trying an every other day schedule...which means 3 days one week, 4 the other...which should be good.
Anyway, not as short as I was trying for, but I'll end it here. Be sure to check back Monday (well you should check everyday, but specifically Monday :P) as it's 4 weeks since we started and we are doing another weigh in.
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