On Saturday, we went over to my Aunt Barbara's house for my cousin Matthew's birthday (as most of you know, because you were there too), where we had some pizza for lunch (and where Aunt Barbara was nice enough to order a garden style pizza for those of us who are trying to be better about what we eat, but we didn't realize was there), but were good about what and how much we ate.
However, later on that day we went to Red Robin for dinner with my cousin Courtney and lets just say ... it's really hard when you try to find something on the menu that sounds like its one of the healthier items only to find out later that it really wasn't. And on top of it, we were relatively lazy this weekend...a short walk with the dogs, so Buttonz's legs wouldn't bother him, was the most activity we got (minus some light gardening Kurt did yesterday.) We thought about going to the gym yesterday (so our schedule was every other day instead of every other business day) but we both did not sleep well the night before. It shouldn't have been an excuse though because we were unhappy with the weight gain we both had this morning (±1 lb for him, ±2 lbs for me.)
Today's activity was a vast improvement to the weekend though. We went to the gym, each doing 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer and stationary bike. There are some things I have to say about the stationary bike!! Could anyone make a more uncomfortable seat for anything?!!? On top of it, I swear time goes backward while you are on the bike. 30 minutes on the elliptical trainer feels like half the time as on the bike, be it stationary or recumbent.
When it comes to the bikes, my preference is recumbent to stationary because my feet don't fall asleep as often or for as long and my wrists don't hurt as much from the position of the handles...but I'm still not a fan of either bike.
What I like about the elliptical trainer (besides when my feet fall asleep on that too) is that I get distracted my trying to keep my heart rate down. According to the chart, 80% heart rate for me is 152 and when I first started, i had to work diligently to keep it between 158 and 162. I am happy to say that after a week of working at it, at the same speed (which right now is a snail's pace and I'm sure people are laughing at me for how slow I go, but its to maintain my heart rate) I can maintain a heart rate between 148 to 152. Soon I'll be able to actually travel faster than 2.5-3.0 mph and still keep my heart rate down. Kurt doesn't have this problem. He can travel at 5.0 mph and still have a heart rate of 133.
On top of that this morning, we both agreed that 1 hour is starting to be pretty easy. We are planning Wednesday for a change. I'm not sure what his plans are, but I am thinking 20-25 minutes on both the bike and the treadmill and 30-40 minutes on the elliptical trainer. We'll see come Wednesday.
After the gym, we came home to do a little Wii Fit...he just weighed in, I did 10 minutes of step, and some strength training, balance and yoga. Before we went the gym this morning we were watching Good Morning America and they did an interview with the head of the American Heart Association, because the AHA is putting their logo on the Wii Fit (article). I was very disappointed with what the interviewer had to say, because he was making it out to be that the AHA did it just for the money ($1.5 mil over 3 years) when they don't go and put their logo on sports items (basketballs, footballs, etc.) The president of the AHA tried to explain that it was specifically the demographic they were going for (eg. the overweight video game player who needs a little activity.) The whole interview treated the AHA as a negligent corporation who only gives its logo out for the right price, as well as alluding to the fact that the average consumer is an idiot (which can be the case, but is not always.)
I am happy to "play" with my Wii Fit almost everyday. My center of balance has become better, I'm more stable and its reminded me that I need to stretch every day regardless if I really worked out or not. I am fully aware that I will not lose the weight by doing Wii Fit exercises, nor did I expect to when we purchased it. It really pisses me off when the media makes people out to be brainless morons who buy anything advertised to them.
On another note...we've been trying to track our calories, since good points were brought up by Lisa and Merirae in response to our question on Thursday. After checking out the calories on the ice cream I had last week, I really never want ice cream again, especially when thinking about just how much work that is going to be to rid myself of the calories. Its really been awful looking but very interesting at the same time.
Today's question: The trainer I met with last week suggested that I can eat carbs but they should be in the morning, and its my opinion that I should have a little something before going to the gym so I have some energy. I'm wondering, should I go for the more simple carb (like fruit) before I go so that I have access to that energy immediately (which is what I am understanding in my research) or a complex carb (like a granola bar) which will process longer (but I'm wondering if it also is a continuous energy source)?
Hey! I don't know if your trainer has discussed protein with you, but I have found and heard from the trainers here that you need to supplement protein when you are working out and limiting calories. I use the Designer Whey Protein, either mixed with water or added to my oatmeal (the kind you have to boil on the stove.) It's only 100 extra calories and adds flavor to otherwise bland oatmeal. With the carb/protein combo of that oatmeal you should have plenty of energy to work out. Typically you don't want to eat any sooner than 1 hour before you go work out. I can find an article to explain it all - I had to figure all this stuff out while I was training. Another good option is half a whole-wheat bagel. Also, your complex carbs are better before a long workout because the energy will last you while those simple carbs will be burned off quickly leaving you drained before you are done. You can also do protein drinks after to help your muscles recover quickly. Again it's only 100 calories that are assisting you with weight loss.
ReplyDeleteOohhh one last thing and I'm done I promise :) If you need something to track calories for you
Just register and it has tons of food already stored with their calories, fat, carbs, sodium ect. If you have an Itouch or Iphone there are free apps from iTunes that will track calories for you too.
Sorry for the novel, James and I have found a lot of tricks between baby weight loss, marathon training, and him trying to lose weight for PT tests. :) Love you guys!
I don't like doing smoothies before doing cardio workouts. I don't like the liquid sloshing around in my stomach. I do well with a cup of yogurt, or string cheese and apple at least an hour before I work out. Have a smoothie with protein afterward is a great idea.