For example, we had a bit of a cheat night for dinner on Friday (pizza) and I think we've decided that our cheats have to be further apart. We had decided that before, but always Friday comes around and we get tempted into something else. This last Friday, though, we were so overly full and bloated with sodium that we decided that, at the very least, when it cheats, pizza is not an option anymore and that we have to do better with not cheating (even if it is once a week for only one meal - we need to try to extended it to once every two weeks for only one meal). Of course, that may or may not happen this week as we do have visitors for the weekend...but we'll try.
In the past 4 weeks, I am down 17 lbs (12 from my official weigh in 5 weeks ago for our competition - but I put on 5 in the week between) and Kurt is down we think 15 lbs (because he didn't weigh himself when we started - but 11 from the official weigh in 5 weeks ago).
We're starting to have more energy (he gets it a bit more than I do), clothes are starting to loosen up a bit (some that I had that were feeling a little tight fit well now) and we aren't so tired after a long day of work as much as we were before. Plus being on our feet for a long day is getting easier.
Cravings are slowly going away...and randomly one comes up and you think...REALLY, that's what I want. And we've been trying hard to quell those cravings with other things. We made some blackberry sorbet a couple days ago, and the tartness is kind of a nice change from the sweetness (I think I need to look at something that is a little less seedier though).
Yesterday we stopped by the Great Basin Community Food Co-Op which reminded me a lot of being in Santa Cruz again. Some things were pretty pricy - raw unpasteurized almonds for $12.99/lb but other things weren't as bad - 32oz of local raw honey for $10 and some change. We picked up some honey mustard salad dressing (which does have some cane sugar in it - but I tried to make a honey mustard vinaigrette and it was awful and I need a salad dressing).
My favorite thing that I TOTALLY want to go back for when I'm ready...refrigerated ladybugs!! They were so cute - and depending if I actually get the garden in shape this year (because my seedlings desperately need to be transplanted), I might have to get some.
Last thing before I go (since I have to get ready for work) - our budget. We went grocery shopping last Thursday, and we though there was no way we were going to get out of there under our budget because we bought a ton more meat than usual for this week (ground beef, pork chops and chicken breasts - more chicken than we needed but we figured we could use it the next week) and it still came out to about $142. We were stunned. Of course now that we went to the Food Co-Op and seeing the prices of meat there I'm starting to really thing about the meat we've been buying at the grocery store...but more on that later.
Ok...I lied...two things
1. Celery has become to salty to us...especially after reading how much sodium is in celery...we can taste it now!! Suggestions for other vegi snacks to take out with us (to go with our carrots)
2. Dry-Rub Burgers...mmmm...check it out
Sweet peppers cut into slices, broccoli, cherry tomatoes - think veggie platter and things you see on those :)
ReplyDeleteGood job you two!!!
I'm not sure there is enough sodium in celery to over ride the positive. All veggies must have salt as they are from the earth which has minerals in it. I do like some of Cassie's ideas though. Add cauliflower and you're all good!
For me it's not the sodium level but now I can taste the salt in just isn't as appealing to me anymore.
DeleteWe eat cauliflower like it's going out of style as a side dish for dinners. So far we've been doing sweet peppers, but I have a hard time with the flavor. I've never really enjoyed it. We'll see :)