We've been watching a lot of Food Inc type movies on Netflix and some of them are good (like Food Inc) and some are just TOO preachy (like Food Matters). I am embracing this change in our lives...but I am trying to stay away from being too hippy tree-huggery because that isn't me and I shouldn't be forced to be so by those sharing their information with the world.
For example, in Food Matters there were two parts I very much disagreed with (to an extent): 1. People need to fix their priorities. Instead of paying for things like rent and a car, they need to buy better food, and 2. Raw food is the only way to go. The guys brother lost (I can't remember - something like 150) lbs in 8 months. Some days he lost 13 lbs.
Ok...so...yes - I think people do need to change their priorities...but rent and a car (minus if you really don't need one, which most households need one) are not logical ways of expressing the need to purchase better food.
As for the raw diet...I'm not opposed to a natural cleanse in the short term (7-14 days) but as a lifestyle, I disagree with only eating raw. I understand that many nutrients in food break down when cooked, but I feel you are missing access to some nutrients that would be harder to come by raw. The guy in the film did talk about some vegetables that you could get higher levels of certain nutrients than meat, dairy, etc., but some of the things I've never heard of and I don't even know where I would find them. Also - 13 lbs in a day...it may be build up in your system, but I don't understand how a loss that big in one day could be good for you.
Anyway, Wednesday we took our cousin Courtney to the GBC Food Co-Op and she was pretty excited about it!! So if we are able to start going pretty regularly, she has agreed to tag along (especially if she gets some honey out of it, I think).
I made my first raised bed yesterday. The downside...I think most of my transplants aren't going to make it...so I'll just have to start from seed again. Exercise of the day...leveling the area and lifting +/- 100 lb bags of soil around.
We went on our weekly grocery store run...a couple of meals this week had to get pushed into next week (don't you hate when you forget to defrost your dinner!!) and as we have visitors for part of the weekend...our grocery bill was $109 and some change + $17 for some things I had to pick up earlier in the week...so $126. Mostly all vegis and fruits...some chicken and ground beef. We have more chicken than we can use in the next week though so that will lessen the next bill.
Had the best Honey Mustard Chicken last night...I'll put up a recipe soon for it.
Other than that, we're just trying to take the effort to make sure we don't slack off with this as we are starting to get regularly busy at work. We have a couple of meals out scheduled for the weekend since we have company...so one of us will let you know how we fared with going out to eat (different than the regular cheat meal).
Have a great weekend all!!
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