We then went over the elliptical machine where Candace was only able to do 10 minutes on it before her stomach started to feel queezy and I don't like the idea of working out to the point of feeling sickly so we decided to end our workout then. I did forget to bring Candace's water bottle, so I don't know how much that had to do with her queeziness.
I know that we didn't go to the gym for nearly a week, but I kind of surprised that we both had such a difficult workout. Its not like we sat around watching Oprah and ate bon bons all week, so I have no idea why our workout was so painful, for the lack of a better word. Has anyone else had an experience like that? I can't remember feeling this way when I worked out when I was younger, but that was nearly 10 years ago and my brain has a 5 year capacity.
Candace's work schedule has been crazy this week, so we will work in going to the gym with her work schedule. I am going to be starting my own business in the next couple of weeks, so if anyone knows any real estate companies that do property management as well please let me know. I plan to do take pictures of rental properties and maybe do some maintenance work around the property as well. I can remember looking for a place and a lot of places had either no pictures of the property or poor pictures where I couldn't figure out what room it is. So i figured that there is a market for this. Sorry for the job pitch, but I am a little excited about it. Don't worry I am still going to school, but sitting around all day looking for work is getting old.
Until next time....
Just a note...my lovely husband was a bit misinformed. On the treadmill, I did work harder than I had before we left for PG, and maybe shouldn't have because we didn't work out for a week (but we won't punish him for not knowing.) :P