Sunday, May 22, 2011

This may be the only way...

Hello world...we are still here!!

The last year has been disappointing.  Almost exactly a year ago, I started working again, and that led the the downfall of all I had been doing.  Kurt tried hard for a while, but lost the motivation himself. 

Now that we are doing this business on our own, we thought we could dictate our schedule...but we seem to really be having difficulty with that.  I don't know if its because we find it difficult to schedule it onto our calendar as an "appointment", when really we know that if someone wanted us to shoot at that time, we could move things around, or if we are just looking for an excuse to by lazy.  Or maybe both.

But it's really challenging, to go from being (for lack of a better term) a bump on a log to being active.  I am constantly desperate for the easy way.  

The biggest thing about really getting back to this is tied between two thoughts: 1) we were shooting on Friday in Caughlin Ranch and had to walk this trail to shoot the back of the house...and the trip back up to the road was a 11% grade that couldn't have been more than 1/16th of a mile...and we were dying, out of breath, ready to fall over (I was carrying 20lbs of equipment, but that shouldn't be an excuse), and 2) we spend...not a lot, but more than we could, to go to a gym we actually do enjoy once we get there...and it's a waste when we don't go.

Another huge problem, besides motivation - because that will always be a problem for me - is that we rarely prepare a meal at home and when we do, it is something cheap, cheerful and bad for us.  We need to make a habit of grocery shopping and meal planning again.  This is where the lazy catches up with me again.

So anyway, that is just a bit of what has been going on lately.  I don't anticipate that we'll be blogging everyday, but we will definitely update once or twice a week.  We are going into the busy season, so I guess there isn't a better time to start including our healthier lifestyle into our schedule.

Until later,

1 comment:

  1. Don't be so hard on yourselves. Don't think about why you haven't done things in the past. Take each day one step at a time! You don't have to eat all your meals at home. Try and go to the gym one day this week. Then try to cook one meal at home that's healthy. Move on from there! It's hard to make life changes, C, don't get overwhelmed thinking you have to do it ALL right NOW.

