Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Move along... Nothing to see.

Today has been rather non-descript activity wise.  I guess my last couple of walks has caused poor buttonz to become a little sore because he started favoring his leg last night, but by this morning he seemed to be doing much better. I won't be talking any longer walks with the dogs for the rest of the week so I don't injure my in-laws dog.  That would fall in the "things not to do to your in-laws" category. 

After going to school today and rescuing the dogs from the full bladders, I went on a nice 2 mile walk in the about 35 minutes.  Its amazing how much faster I can walk when I don't have to stop for a smell break every couple of minutes.  It was so beautiful outside today, its about 70 with a light breeze. I swear if Reno/Sparks was like this all the time, I would never ever complain about the weather being bipolar.

I figured since I wasn't doing anything super strenuous that should eat really well today, I had the last of the quiche's from our wedding reception. For those keeping track, that is 7 weeks ago. I had a salad that I brought from home for lunch and I still don't know what I am going to have for dinner, maybe some turkey burgers on lettuce. I figure that I will try removing as much bread from my dinners. I don't need buns with my turkey burgers, why offset the reduction of fat from beef to turkey when you are just replacing it with extra carbo's.

Anyways, its been a slow day so I won't bore everyone any further... Until later...


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