I thought I'd try getting up, having a cup of coffee and see how if my congestion would lessen, but being up and awake almost seemed worse. So we decided to walk the dogs instead, and I took a benedryl. Stupid little air particles...WHY CAN'T YOU JUST GO AWAY?!!?
We didn't walk far today...a little over a mile in 25 minutes. My congestion wasn't allowing me to breath through my nose very well and as we picked up the pace, I felt I wasn't getting enough air...so we decided at about .5 mile to turn back.
We returned home, did some Wii Fit aerobic, balance, strength training and stretching...and of course by the time we were done, the benedryl had kicked in.
Afterword, I made some oatmeal and cut up some apples for us. Its just the regular rolled Quaker Oats (I can't eat the stuff in the little baggies and I'm a little too impatient for the steel cut to cook.) I had this great idea that I would use the apple juice concentrate we had in the freezer instead of water for the oatmeal. It is 100% juice...no added sugar. And it would have been much better if I had really thought about the fact that it was concentrate and that I needed to dilute it with water.
So we ate some very sweet, viscous apple and cinnamon oatmeal and some apple slices, which I had to give half to Kurt because it was too much apple for me. It was a great idea, and I think I'll try it again...remembering to cut it with water next time (in case anyone is interested, using some concentrated apple juice with water to mix pancake batter is really great too.) Usually I try to eat my oatmeal with just some cinnamon, but oatmeal is a hard thing for me, because I don't like the texture...so I'm trying to look for ways to "spice" it up so I can get past that and eat it more often.
I have to go run some errands before I leave tomorrow, and clean the house a bit, but then I think we might try to get another ±1.0 mile walk in later this afternoon.
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