Monday, April 23, 2012

What is wrong with us?!

Hello all,

I know that we haven't been the bastion of good health for many years but now that I know what "real food" is and tastes like I don't want to go back to my old way eating garbage.  As many of you know or don't know I like to see what is going on in the world, much to Candace's dismay sometimes... but I felt it necessary to post this story.

I came across this article and nearly gagged on many many levels.  I read this story on and was horrified by this restaurant.  The "Heart Attack Grill" are you freaking (I want to use much harsher language ) kidding me? It figures that a city that would benefit from a meteor hitting it would allow this affront to humanity to be built.  The burger buns are covered in lard and the largest item on the menu has over 8,000 calories in it. That is over 4 days of food in one burger.

I understand obesity and the causes of it but to reward something that WILL kill you is insane.  One of the advertisements is if you weigh over 350 pounds you eat free. I expect a old time carnival barker yelling out front "That's right folks, if you have given up on ever improving yourself and want to die young and sick eat yourself to an early grave on us." They have a ambulance parked out front for Christ sake!?! 

I realize this anger might be surprising from me, but after losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks by eating the correct portions of unprocessed foods it makes me so angry to see businesses pray on the anguish that obese people feel about themselves is immoral.  The idea old idea of a jolly old fat person is patently ridiculous. At the beginning of this, I was 265, about 75 pounds overweight with a BMI of 34 which put me in the obese category.  I know that my weight isn't that severe but I now realize how bad I felt before even with a 5% decrease in weight. Imagine if you are 200 pounds overweight, and imagine how horrible you feel physically. Then triple it then you have an idea what it does to you emotionally. Have you ever watch "Horders" and do you notice how many of them are obese?

This wretched place helps perpetrate the myth eating bad food is cheap and good food is for those with money.  Our food bill has decreased by half by eating good. It rewards activity that requires help from loved ones and those in the health profession.  This type of restaurant and its promo's are like a bar saying "If you drink till you pass out, then you drink for free" or "Have a DUI, then drink for free".  I hope the turd that opened the restaurant gets sued to bankruptcy. And to any would be patrons... Seriously? Do you play Russian Roulette when you are bored, do you drink rubbing alcohol when your run out of Rum? Why eat something that brags about "This Establishment is Bad For Your Health". My father brought this to my attention, 2 million US children go to bed hungry every night. How many children could be fed a well rounded meal rather than helping obese people kill themselves.  8,000 calories divided by 12 is about 670 calories, a large dinner for a child. 12 child for each of those meals that one person stuffs down there mouth.

Sorry for the rant, but this just made me very annoyed. My next post will be much happier I promise

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. Kurt, Great post! Vegas exists to fill our need for excess. How many times have we "pigged" out at a steakhouse in Vegas (or really any steakhouse we could find)? Too many times, but we didn't do it everyday, maybe less than twice a year. But an 8000 cal. burger? Even Elvis would eat that.

    I'm glad you are learning moderation at a young age. But, your Mom never overfed us and we eat healthy. The issue, I feel, is it's easy to eat prepared foods and delay exercise when you're working 60 to 70 hours a week.

    Don't worry about Vegas; it will always be doing stuff like this. Just keep on doing what you are doing to get and stay healthy. I'm five pounds behind you and trying to catch-up!


