Thursday we stopped by a 7-Eleven and although I was really wanting a Slurpee (not the intention for the stop - we can drive past one without longing to stop), we just grabbed some mozzarella cheese sticks instead. However, yesterday, Kurt had to pull off the street to make a phone call and of course we ended up in the Jimmy Johns parking lot. I have an obsession with Jimmy Johns that has been lessened since moving from Las Vegas by the fact that they are all on the other side of town. It had been a long time since we had eating had a sandwich from there, so we gave in to the desire. We also gave in to a little non-authorized chocolate for dessert. :)
They are still as awesome as I remember...but still I can live without them regularly (considering we have been anyway).
The reason we need a little magic to keep up my will-power is really because we feel like crap after eating that way. For the rest of the evening, I couldn't get comfortable - it was as if all my limbs were restless...which Kurt pointed out that he hasn't felt that way since we've been eating better, and I can say the same thing. And it's too aggravating of a feeling to suffer from just so I can have something I really shouldn't be eating.
Another reason to be good!!
We haven't posted very much this week. Not a lot has been really going on. I've been trying to find new meals to make so we don't get tired of the same stuff. Most are good (Taco Salad and Frittata)...some just don't make it (Pumpkin Oatmeal Pancakes - the texture is just off). I'll try to get a few more recipes up this weekend.
Today we're going to spend some time working on the house and going for a walk...or a bike ride. I've got to look through some of the stuff I have so we can also start working on building muscle until we decide that its time for us to get a gym membership (I don't trust myself with gym memberships anymore, because at some point I always stop going and then it's just a waste of I have to build up to going to the gym).
I did say that I would keep an update of budgeting for the grocery store. This week was AWESOME - partly because I found a lot of meals for this week that serve we have 2 dinners and 2 lunches from one meal. This week we spent about $135 and it included stocking up on a few things that we didn't need immediately (coconut oil - we still have half a container, but it was on sale this week; toilet paper; whole wheat flour - I was getting low but I need to make more bread and tortillas) and a couple of more pricy things that were needed but will last a while, like vanilla (which I really just need to order some beans to make my own).
This week was definitely easy on the budget. If I was to factor in our dinner last night, it would take it up to $150 which is another reason why we don't want to do that anymore - considering that is 1.3 days worth of what we bought in groceries!!
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