What we have started doing is making a conscious choice to remove a much processed food from our diet as possible. I honestly thought it would SUCK - that the food would be awful and that it would take SO much time. Realistically, the food isn't half bad and, sure, it takes a bit more time than I'm use to spending on making a meal (or unpackaging it for consumption) but it's time well spent now and will lessen as I get in the habit of cooking more (however, to be honest, after eating dinner tonight, which took us roughly 2 hours to prep and cook, I was worn out and took a little nap).
One thing we are looking into is Paleo - which one set of my parents have gifted us a diet guide/cookbook to help model our meals. For those of you not familiar, it is a lifestyle based on the food accessible to humans in the Paleolithic Era - essentially things that you would have found either as a hunter or a gatherer. My biggest hurdle with this would be both the no grains, no dairy. Reading the reasoning behind the "diet" and looking through the cookbook, there are definitely good ideas that can be implemented and good meals that can be made. We just got the book yesterday, so we haven't done more than read the "why its good"s and look at the recipes, but we'll let you know what we think.
The resource we have started implementing is a website that I was directed to from my cousin, who in my opinion has WAY more knowledge and information to give about food and exercise than any of the trainers or nutritionists I've seen in the past. The site is http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/ and so far we are really enjoying it.
The funniest thing (not funny - haha, but funny - coincidence) between 100 Days of Real Food, Paleo and an audiobook I'm trying to listen to is there has been one key model that has been consistent about shopping for food - shop the perimeter of the store except oil and spices (and flour for 100 Days). I haven't heard (let me rephrase - don't remember hearing) this once in any of the other "diet" research I've done in the past, and yet I've already run into it 3 times this week (that's the funny part - you are allowed to laugh here).
My biggest challenge so far - the cooking. It might even be worse than the processed sugar withdrawal that I am currently going through. I love to bake - cooking is ok. I try to keep upbeat throughout the whole process, but by the end I'm longing for it to be done...especially today.
Today we decided to make chicken enchiladas for dinner - http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2010/04/14/recipe-chicken-enchiladas/ - I'll add the recipe to the recipe section in the next couple days.
It calls for whole grain corn tortillas (which she has a recipe for), but I didn't feel like picking up some masa harina and I forgot to get it when we were shopping the other day, so we decided to go for whole wheat tortillas - which we made from scratch, and honestly are really much better than I expected them to be...but were a little more work than I originally imagined. From there is really was just normal cooking dinner prep, but its prep that I am not used to in the least bit, so by the end, I was almost too exhausted to eat dinner. But it turned out really good...there are a few changes I would make, but all in all, a nice filling dinner.
We've also made a few things for snacks in the mornings to go with out smoothies...one is the Breakfast Casserole Bites (http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2012/01/11/recipe-breakfast-casserole-bites/) which are REALLY REALLY good!!
And the other was granola bars (http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2010/04/04/recipe-granola-bars-cereal/).
Now here's the problem I run into...and I really need to get over it quickly if I'm going to succeed at this...the granola bars have this very seedy smell to them which makes me want to throw them all the garbage, but flavor-wise...it's not bad. I think the one thing I wouldn't put back into it is the pumpkin seeds...I really think that's where some of the smell comes from, plus I think its the one flavor in there that doesn't belong.
All it all...we - and by we I mean me, because Kurt's never really had a problem with it, are trying to cook a little bit everyday, because it gets us in the habit of doing it and because some of this stuff can be prepared in advance...for instance, the casserole recipe makes two dishes (the one pictured I put in the freezer).
I'll start utilizing the recipe section that I added to the page as well as my feelings on the dish or how I might have changed it. If any of you have any recipes that you would like to share, it just cannot contain anything processed and preferably no sugar (but I can substitute with honey or agave nectar).
Again, thanks everyone the support - I greatly appreciated all the likes and the comments on my fb link. I know that we've fallen off the wagon many times and we appreciate that you all support us every time we get back on.
I like that 100 days website! Have you read Michael Pollan's "in defense of food" or "food rules". His premise, eat food, not too much, mostly plants. He is also a proponent of shopping the perimeter.
ReplyDeleteGood luck and keep it up!
We all fall off the wagon once in awhile. We love you both very much. We just want you healthy. I told Claudia the other day that i struggle with self control. She said when you think of something you want but know you probably should pass on that particular day, tell yourself of course I could have that but I don't need it. That way you've made a conscious decision and you can put the thought of having it to rest and move on.