So...we've fallen off the wagon pretty hard. It's been about 3 or so weeks since we've really eaten well. We've let our busy schedule and a lack of motivation overwhelm us to point in which ... well, we both feel like crap.
We have been consistently saying "We need to go grocery shopping." "We need to go grocery shopping." I have had no drive to meal plan and I can't walk into the store anymore and just wing it. If I do that, I'll find myself wandering endlessly down the aisles wondering what to make - a waste of energy and time.
FINALLY, with the help of a Papa Murphy's Take 'n Bake Pizza last night, Kurt and I agreed that we felt awful and we HAD to go to the store. We've been pretty run down lately. We've been snapping at each other more than we had when we were regimented. We've gotten tired earlier and not wanted to get out of bed in the morning (of course, a little in our defense, we've been pushing ourselves to try to stay up until 11pm or midnight and get up between 4am and 6am - too much to do...not enough hours in the day).
We decided that we were going to lay off meat for a little bit (for about a week or two, depending on how long we last) - partly because, while we both have relatively maintained our weight for the duration of our cheating, we both feel like we've put the weight back on (due to the sodium bloating and overall unhappy body feeling) and partly because I'm watching this movie called
Forks Over Knives.
I am not all the way through this movie yet, but the overall premise is two doctors who have studied the affects of a high animal protein diet on the body - and have found that cancerous cells have a higher growth rate the higher the animal protein in your diet. Now, of course, I don't like to take things at face value and I would like to look into the research they are discussing, but it's enough to turn my stomach at the thought of eating meat for the next week.
So, tonight we picked ourselves up, picked the gravel out of our road rash and are dragging ourselves back on the wagon. We made a mushroom, onion and red bell pepper pizza on a whole wheat crust - just to ease ourselves back in.
And the cravings have set back in...not as bad this time...but enough that I want sweets and salts.
Right now we are getting most of our exercise from working on our front yard - Kurt has been removing all the dead sod while I have been trying to till up the first couple of inches of soil so that we have a base to work with.
We are making a variety of new meals this week - Mushroom and Poblano Tostadas, Grilled Portobello Quesadillas, and Roasted Vegitable and Quinoa Salad to name a few. I will definitely let everyone know how it goes - and post recipes if we enjoy it.
I just remembered that we have dinner out tomorrow - so there may be a possibility of some meat, as I don't know what's on the a little meat tomorrow probably. Since we didn't buy any meat...well, we bought bacon for our egg casserole bites, but not for a main course, our grocery budget for this next week was very low...about $112. Which is good, because we have applied for...WAIT FOR insurance!! Woo hoo!! Wouldn't it be nice to see a doctor once in a while!!?? Anyway, we have to budget just a little better so we can afford it.
Anyway, I'll try to be on here more as a means of motivating myself more. Until next time!!